
As a homeowner in Auckland, you may encounter various electrical problems. These issues can be frustrating and potentially dangerous, from flickering lights and outlets that don’t work to circuit breaker tripping and electrical shocks. It’s crucial to address electrical problems promptly to maintain the safety and efficiency of your home’s electrical system.

However, it’s important to note that many electrical issues require the expertise of a licensed electrician. Attempting DIY repairs can be dangerous and even cause more damage if not done correctly. In this blog, we will outline 14 common electrical problems homeowners in Auckland may face and provide suggestions on how to fix them. Always exercise caution and call a licensed electrician if unsure or unable to address an electrical issue safely.

14 Common Electrical Problems Homeowners face in Auckland and How to fix them

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes and is not a substitute for professional electrical services. It is always recommended to seek the help of a licensed electrician for any electrical issues.

Outlets not working

Symptoms: outlet is entirely dead, outlets in a particular area of the home are not working, GFCI outlets trip frequently

Possible causes: loose wiring, damaged outlets, circuit overload, faulty circuit breaker

How to fix it:

  • Tighten any loose wires in the outlet
  • Replace the outlet if it is damaged or outdated
  • Check for overloaded circuits and redistribute the load if necessary.
  • Check the circuit breaker and reset it if it tripped, or replace it if it is faulty.
  • Call a licensed electrician for further diagnosis and repair if the problem persists.

fixing house electrical outlets

Flickering lights

Symptoms: lights flicker or dim unexpectedly

Possible causes: loose wiring, faulty light bulbs, overloaded circuits, damaged circuit breaker

How to fix it:

  • Tighten any loose wires in the light fixture or outlet
  • Replace the light bulb if it is burnt out or damaged
  • Check for overloaded circuits and redistribute the load if necessary
  • Check the circuit breaker and reset it if tripped, or replace it if it is faulty
  • If the problem persists, call a licensed electrician for further diagnosis and repair

Circuit breaker tripping

Symptoms: circuit breaker trips frequently, causing a loss of power in some regions of the home

Possible causes: overloaded circuits, faulty appliances, damaged wiring

How to fix it:

  • Identify the course tripping and unplug any appliances or devices on that circuit.
  • Check for overloaded circuits and redistribute the load if necessary.
  • Replace any faulty appliances or devices that may be causing the issue
  • Check for damaged wiring and repair or replace it as necessary.
  • Call a licensed electrician for further diagnosis and repair if the problem persists.

circuit breaker

Poorly installed wiring

Symptoms: frequent power outages, flickering lights, electrical shocks, hot outlets or switches

Possible causes: improper installation, outdated wiring, faulty electrical panel

How to fix it:

  • Call a licensed electrician to diagnose and repair any issues with the wiring.
  • Consider upgrading the wiring to meet current standards and improve the overall safety and efficiency of the electrical system.

Old or outdated electrical panel

Symptoms: circuit breaker frequently trips, insufficient power for modern appliances and devices, flickering lights

Possible causes: outdated electrical panel, overloaded circuits

How to fix it:

  • Call a licensed electrician to assess the condition of the electrical panel and determine if an upgrade is necessary.
  • Consider upgrading to a larger electrical panel to accommodate modern appliances and devices.
  • Check for overloaded circuits and redistribute the load if necessary

outdated electrical panels

Electrical shocks

Symptoms: feeling a shock when touching an electrical outlet, light switch, or appliance

Possible causes: damaged wiring, faulty appliances, outdated outlets or switches

How to fix it:

  • Unplug all appliances and devices, and do not use any affected outlets or switches until they have been repaired or replaced
  • Call a licensed electrician to diagnose and repair any issues with the wiring or appliances

Overloaded circuits

Symptoms: circuit breaker frequently trips, insufficient power for modern appliances and devices, flickering lights

Possible causes: too many appliances or devices on one circuit, faulty appliances or devices

How to fix it:

  • Identify the overloaded circuit and unplug some of the appliances or devices on that circuit.
  • Consider redistributing the load by moving some appliances or devices to a different circuit.
  • Replace any faulty appliances or devices that may be causing the issue.

overloaded electrical circuits

Electrical fires

Symptoms: burning smell, sparks or flames from outlets or appliances, circuit breaker trips frequently

Possible causes: faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, damaged appliances or devices

How to fix it:

  • Turn off the power at the main circuit breaker or fuse box and unplug all appliances and devices.
  • Call a licensed electrician to diagnose and repair any issues with the wiring or appliances.
  • Consider installing smoke detectors and a fire suppression system to prevent future fires.

electrical fires

Frayed or damaged cords

Symptoms: frayed or damaged cords on appliances or devices, sparks or flames from outlets or appliances

Possible causes: age, wear and tear, accidental damage

How to fix it:

  • Unplug the appliance or device and do not use it until the cord has been repaired or replaced
  • Replace the line if it is frayed or damaged
  • Consider installing cord covers or organizers to protect cables from accidental damage.

Lack of GFCI outlets

Symptoms: none (absence of GFCI outlets is a safety issue rather than a sign)

Possible causes: outdated electrical system, lack of knowledge about GFCI outlets

How to fix it:

  • Install GFCI outlets in areas where they are required, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor areas
  • Consider upgrading older outlets to GFCI outlets for improved safety
  • Educate yourself on the proper use and maintenance of GFCI outlets

Poorly installed outdoor lighting

Symptoms: faulty or ineffective outdoor lighting, electrical shocks, circuit breaker trips

Possible causes: improper installation, damaged wiring, faulty light fixtures.

How to fix it:

  • Call a licensed electrician to diagnose and repair any issues with the outdoor lighting system.
  • Consider upgrading to more durable and energy-efficient light fixtures.
  • Follow proper safety guidelines when installing or repairing outdoor lighting.

installation of outdoor lightings

Electrical surges

Symptoms: flickering lights, blown fuses, damaged appliances or electronics

Possible causes: lightning strikes, power grid issues, faulty appliances or devices

How to fix it:

  • Install a surge protector to protect appliances and electronics from electrical surges
  • Consider installing a whole-house surge protector to cover the entire electrical system.
  • Replace any damaged appliances or electronics

power surges

No power in some regions of the home

Symptoms: loss of control in some areas of the house, circuit breaker trips

Possible causes: damaged wiring, faulty circuit breaker, overloaded circuits

How to fix it:

  • Check the circuit breaker and reset it if it tripped, or replace it if it is faulty.
  • Check for damaged wiring and repair or replace it as necessary
  • Check for overloaded circuits and redistribute the load if necessary.
  • If the problem persists, call a licensed electrician. 

Inefficient use of energy

Symptoms: High energy bills, appliances or devices that consume a lot of energy, outdated electrical system

Possible causes: Poorly insulated or drafty homes, old appliances or devices, ancient electrical system

How to fix it:

  • Insulate and seal your home to reduce energy loss
  • Replace old appliances and devices with more energy-efficient models
  • Upgrade your electrical system to meet current standards and improve efficiency
  • Use power strips to manage the energy usage of multiple devices.
  • Unplug appliances and devices when not in use

electricity bill


As a homeowner in Auckland, it’s essential to be aware of common electrical problems and know how to address them. Many of these issues require the expertise of a licensed electrician, so always exercise caution and call a professional for assistance if you are unsure or unable to fix an electrical problem safely. By taking these steps, you can maintain the safety and efficiency of your home’s electrical system and protect your family and property.

Need help with an electrical problem? Our team of licensed electricians in Auckland is here for you 24/7. From circuit breaker tripping to outlets that don’t work, we have the expertise to diagnose and fix any electrical issue. Don’t hesitate to contact us for an appointment or emergency service.

FAQs about Common Electrical Problems

What are some common electrical problems homeowners face in Auckland?

Some common electrical problems homeowners face in Auckland include outlets not working, flickering lights, circuit breaker tripping, poorly installed wiring, old or outdated electrical panels, electrical shocks, overloaded circuits, electrical fires, frayed or damaged cords, lack of GFCI outlets, poorly installed outdoor lighting, electrical surges, and no power in some regions of the home.

How can I fix these problems myself?

Simple troubleshooting and basic repairs can fix many electrical problems with simple troubleshooting and essential maintenance. However, exercising caution and only attempting DIY repairs is necessary if you are confident in your ability to do so safely. If you are unsure or unable to fix an electrical issue, it’s always best to call a licensed electrician for assistance.

When should I call a licensed electrician for help?

Suppose you are experiencing any common electrical problems outlined in this blog and need help fixing them. In that case, it’s a good idea to call a licensed electrician for assistance.

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