Smart home setup by Strike Electrical

Television remote, Sky Remote, Blu Ray Remote, Apple TV Remote, Heat Pump Remote, Electric Window Remote, Blind Remote… And you still ask the same question- Where’s the remote? Now the immediate answer is- Which one?!
Simplify your technology by consolidating all of you remotes into one and you are already on track to a smarter home.

Does turning on your light switches sometimes feel like you are operating mission control?
Simplify your lighting by consolidating your switches into less buttons which turn on multiple circuits at once. This can be great for open plan rooms which have several multi-gang light switches. A dining scene could be used for dinner time which dims all the circuits to 40%. An all off scene does exactly that, turns off all the lights before you go to bed. You could take it a step futher and let it leave a few low level lights on dim for the kids to use the bathroom in the night. Or, you may want a switch that says good morning, which turns on a few lights, opens the blinds and turns on your favourite morning radio station?

Lost the heat pump remote? Never mind, control your heat pump from any device or a touch screen mounted to the wall.
Not sure when the garden needs watering? Let technology be your friend. The latest irrigation systems can take live weather maps and decide if they need to turn on the sprinklers that day.
Going away for the holidays? Your home can mimick the way you live while you are away. With the help of technology it can turn on and off lighting, open and close blinds and turn on and off the TV so it looks like you are still home. Wouldn’t it be nice if it could feed the cat too?

Stereo systems have always had the pride of place in the lounge next to the TV. However there is a problem we are all familar with, one or two speakers are generally not enough as they generally need to be turned up loud so everyone can hear them. The people closer to the speakers cannot hear each other talk, whilst the others who are further away (Perhaps in the backyard) want to turn it up a bit. There is a plethora of bluetooth and WiFi systems on the market now which offer speakers which can be paired together, most of them are table top or surface mounted speakers.
How about a simple and seamless multi- room audio system with speakers recessed into the ceilings or walls which can be controlled by an app or your device, a remote or a touchscreen mounted to the wall? Listen to the same music throughout the house or listen to differant music in differant rooms at the same time. Watch a movie in the living room with a full surround sound experience, whilst someone else is listening to their favourite radio station in another room. The best part- its very intuitive and simple to use.

Security systems can be overwhelming for some whilst others find it unreliable and dont bother with it. Like technology, security systems have come a long way in recent years to become affordable and reliable. Seperate security systems like your alarm, intercom and security cameras can now be integrated and viewed from your television, wall controller or your phone. You can operate your gate and front door from your phone which is great if you need to let a tradesman in for the day. Your phone can even give you an alert when they leave for the day so you can reset the alarm and check the gate is shut.

When your mobile device is part of the intercom experience, you’ll always know who’s at the door. In crisp, clear video, you can see and hear who is calling before you decide to answer. And from anywhere in the world, tap a custom button, such as “Guest” to disarm the alarm, turn on a light, and unlock the door. Once the guest leaves, another tap secures the house again. You can also communicate with family members from your mobile device and be instantly video connected to any or all of your touch screens.
8am – 5pm Mon-Fri